If you have high blood pressure and are taking medications to control it, you should know how to protect yourself from the effect these medications have on your oral health.
High Blood Pressure Affects Gums
If you have been diagnosed with high blood pressure and you’ve been prescribed medications to control the condition, be aware that these medications have an effect on your gums. The most common effect is swelling and possible overgrowth of the gums. Gum overgrowth makes it easier for bacteria to accumulate and damage the teeth and gums. You can also experience difficulty chewing as well as total discomfort.
Resulting periodontal disease, a disease of the gums, can completely breakdown and deteriorate the teeth-supporting tissue resulting in the loss of teeth. To compound this problem, periodontal disease causes further swelling of the gums, making it nearly impossible to effectively clean your teeth. You need professional care.
Seek Early Treatment at White Oak Dental
The use of blood pressure medications can cause a chronic oral health condition. With early professional care, this condition can be managed and good oral health maintained.
When taking any long-term prescribed medications, it’s important to provide your dentist with a list of all of your medications. Each one can have a different effect on your oral health. Most damaging is the impact of bacteria buildup under swollen gums.
Don’t wait until there is a problem. Being proactive can prevent loss of permanent teeth.
The team at White Oak Dental is familiar with all of the conditions caused by prescription medications, including those for blood pressure. It’s important to seek treatment with a professional who specializes in adult dentistry with advanced techniques.
Don’t delay. If you suffer from the swollen gums resulting from blood pressure medications, call White Oak Dental today!