Flossing is Not a Part Time Activity Calgary, AB | White Oak Dental Clinic

Flossing is Not a Part Time Activity – Calgary, Alberta

A recent comedy skit entitled “Flossing:  There Will be Blood” was a reference to people who floss only two days before their dental visit.  The joke was “Your dentist always knows!”.  The unfortunate truth is that when flossing produces blood, that is not a comedy. Why Flossing is so Important Flossing is the best way…

Experience Dental Independence | White Oak Dental Clinic | Calgary AB

Experience Dental Independence – Calgary, Alberta

Summer is the time for fun with friends and family.  Feeling free just goes along with the whole experience.  Imagine having your dental independence from dental problems that prevent you from smiling? Freedom with Advanced Dentistry At White Oak Family Dental, the practice of advanced cosmetic and sedation dentistry eliminates a host of dental problems…

Calgary Missing Teeth | White Oak Dental Clinic | Calgary AB

Missing Teeth – Calgary, Alberta

Missing Teeth It may be fun around Halloween and carving up the pumpkin.  Part of the pumpkin carving tradition is to carve triangular eyes and missing teeth.  Missing teeth sure is fun on a pumpkin, but in real life missing teeth are no laughing matter. Complications of Missing Teeth In addition to the cosmetic effect…

Dealing with Dry Mouth Syndrome | White Oak Dental Clinic | Calgary AB

Dealing with Dry Mouth Syndrome – Calgary, Alberta

Dry Mouth Syndrome Rather than a disease itself, dry mouth syndrome usually caused by disease or medications used to treat disease. Symptoms of Dry Mouth Syndrome The most common causes of dry mouth syndrome can be medications prescribed for the treatment of disease.  If you are taking medications for blood pressure, diabetes, antihistamines, anti-inflammatory, or…

Happy patient Calgary | White Oak Dental Clinic | Calgary AB

Caring for Your Teeth and Mouth – Calgary, Alberta

Caring for Your Teeth and Mouth Caring for your teeth and mouth are one and the same for optimum oral health. Keeping care simple but keeping it steady guarantees having optimum health for your teeth and mouth for life! Basic Care for Teeth and Mouth It’s never too late to begin dedicated basic care for…