Welcome to the Oral Fitness challenge. This challenge has only one contestant. You!
If you have swollen gums, bleeding gums, chipped teeth, loose or missing teeth, you need to join the oral fitness challenge for your health. Yes, having oral health fitness is important to the fitness of your entire body and mind. If you really want to be fit, begin with oral fitness and discover the improvement you’ll feel all the way around.
Why Oral Fitness is Important for Your Body
There is no doubt that heart health, blood health, bone health and mental health are important for overall good health. Many adults don’t make the connection of poor oral fitness to poor physical and mental fitness. It’s a simple thing to forget or to misunderstand.
We all know that if we introduce bacteria into our body through our mouths, we can get sick. But not just the common cold kind of sick. If your gums are gathering plaque, harmful bacteria on the teeth, that bacteria will enter your bloodstream. This introduction of bacteria can begin a domino effect of illness throughout your body affecting your heart, lungs, bones, and blood.
Many adults over the age of 45 may be more susceptible to the effects of harmful bacteria in the body. Already existing conditions can worsen, or bacteria can increase resistance to your medications.
If your body is experiencing new and difficult challenges, it’s time to get in the game and check out your oral fitness.
Why Oral Fitness is Important for Your Mental Health
We all have a perceived image of our perfect self. Many of us may feel a loss of self-esteem if unhealthy teeth or gums are ruining our image.
Bad gums can lead to bad breath. Bad breath is also caused by unhealthy habits such as excessive tobacco or alcohol consumption. But, bad breath can also be caused by illness and certain medications that create dry mouth.
In addition to bad breath, the unfit mouth portrays an unfit body and mind. A mouth with stained teeth, loose, missing or cracked teeth or swollen red gums may lead to feelings of embarrassment. These feelings can cause a person to withdraw socially. All of this is very unhealthy for productivity and happiness in life.
If you are embarrassed about the appearance of your mouth, don’t give up. Calgary dentist Dr. Swapna Menon understands the dilemma that unfit oral health can cause. She is dedicated to helping you regain your oral fitness and your self-esteem.
Improve Your Oral Fitness with the Expertise of White Oak Dental
Dr. Menon offers sedation dentistry for people who are averse to dental care or those who have problems with gagging reflex.
This year, make fitness a total mind and body effort. Begin your fitness promise with oral fitness and experience the overall improved feeling of good health with a healthy, beautiful smile from White Oak Dental.
White Oak Dental: Your go-to dentist in Calgary, Alberta Remember, with White Oak Dental we are here to help! Contact Dentist on Heritage today and find out why Dr Swapna Menon has been a trusted resource. Serving Calgary, White Oak Dental will make you feel right at home. Make your appointment today for patient-centered dental care and a lifetime of beautiful smiles.