Permanent Teeth Replacement Solutions | White Oak Dental Clinic | Calgary AB

Permanent Teeth Replacement Solutions – Calgary, Alberta When you shop for a big ticket item like a car, a house or any other personal investment, you make comparisons. Comparisons are the only way to make an informed decision. This is also true when choosing permanent teeth over implants.  The differences may surprise you. Permanent Teeth over Implants — What’s the Difference…

Flossing is Not a Part Time Activity Calgary, AB | White Oak Dental Clinic

Flossing is Not a Part Time Activity – Calgary, Alberta A recent comedy skit entitled “Flossing:  There Will be Blood” was a reference to people who floss only two days before their dental visit.  The joke was “Your dentist always knows!”.  The unfortunate truth is that when flossing produces blood, that is not a comedy. Why Flossing is so Important Flossing is the best…